Friday, February 13, 2009

Small Businesses Continue to Shine During Down Economic Times

We’d like to be bearers of great news during a time of gloom and doom business news. Not to downplay the disappointing results of large companies, the mass lay-offs, and bankruptcies that continue to come across the airways, but there are some success stories out here too.

One of our clients, BragGame Rights, not quite one-year old has had some great successes along the way. 30-something entrepreneur Coy Christmas had a vision for a retail location that not only sold video games, accessories and consoles, but welcomed like-minded gamers into an exciting environment to try out games before they were purchased and offered daily and weekly tournaments.

Starting out a new business is risky, especially during the last two quarters of ’08 when the recession was just beginning to hit. With a small marketing budget and a huge amount of energy, Coy came to us to help launch his dream. With little time before his grand opening, (4 weeks to be exact), we put together a marketing plan that fit his budget and targeted his customer. Through the means of radio, television, outdoor, interactive and print advertising, we began tuning his customer into his message.

As the months progressed we looked for additional opportunities involving Public Relations, Cause Marketing, Guerilla Marketing, and letting the public really get to know Coy and his amazing BGR Team. Sponsorships also fit into BragGame Rights marketing plan perfectly. EvVyUs, a nationally rated gaming team is sponsored by BGR and appeared in Las Vegas in November for a national tournament.

BGR now has a loyalty program, a generous amount of text friendly loyalists, and plenty of good news to send out to the media through PR outlets. BGR has recently been named the largest PS3 Gaming Center by iGames, North America’s leading game center organization.

While this new small business didn’t have a large marketing budget to begin with, they definitely had done their homework and knew their customer down to which game each target segmentation would play the most. And he has fun along the way and passes his good humor on to all his customers.

For more client profiles visit, and see the Work page.

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