Wednesday, January 13, 2010

2010 Updates

Although 2009 was slower than normal for just about every industry, the end of 2009 and the beginning of 2010 have been going strong for Nelson & Company.

A few of the bigger projects that we have been working on include: the IntensaFIRE, No Scope, Boys & Girls Clubs of the Northland website, and the ever-growing Downtown Duluth Dining Directory, the pet project of Nelson & Company.

The IntensaFIRE and No Scope are two products created by BGR Mods, a national gaming modification company. The IntensaFIRE modifies XBOX 360 wireless controllers (CG and Matrix), allowing gamers to control 5-mode sleeper settings, including a customizable user programmable mode. It uses the existing Sync button to toggle modes on and off. Advanced users have the option of adding a button to a prefabricated area on the IntensaFIRE.

Usable in all XBOX 360 games, including gamer favorites: Left 4 Dead, the Call of Duty series, the Halo series, the Gears of War series, Street Fighter, and any other future first person shooter or fighter games. The IntensaFIRE promises to bring your play to a new level. The product is made and assembled in the USA, is lead-free and 100% recyclable, and retails for $29.99.

The No Scope is a removable and reusable cling/decal that is applied to your TV screen without leaving residue. It is used for first person shooter games. The No Scope replaces the scope of your gun and allows the gamer to increase headshots, hurl grenades with accuracy, and run freely without having to scope in. One package includes 5 clings and retails for $4.99.

The Boys and Girls Clubs of the Northland will be launching their new and improved website in the upcoming weeks. We have completely redesigned the site so it is user-friendly, interactive, and contains the most up-to-date information. Club members, parents, donors, and partners will greatly benefit from this project. Details about the launch will be announced via press release.

In May 2010, the second edition of the Downtown Duluth Dining Directory will be available. The Downtown Duluth Dining Directory was created in the Spring of 2009 as a result of us (Meagan, Dann, Cheryl, and Bill) trying to decide where to eat lunch. And so the DDDD, as we like to call it, came to be.

The DDDD includes all dining locations in the Downtown area. It is distributed to all Downtown offices, tourist attractions, and hotels. Each restaurant receives a free line listing with the option to purchase an ad. A portion of ad proceeds is donated to the Second Harvest Food Bank.

We have begun selling ads and are anxious about this year’s launch. Check back for more details.

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